Date & Venue
Friday, 06 July 2018, 01:00PM
This article proposes a novel technique for independent measurement of strain and temperature in piezoresistive strain sensors congured in a tee-rosette. The most notable property of piezoresistive sensors is their easy integration into MEMS fabrication processes and nanopositioning systems, which makes them highly advantageous for both size and cost. The foremost disadvantage associated with piezoresistive sensors is high temperature sensitivity. The proposed estimator allows independent estimation of strain and temperature, which eliminates drift due to temperature variation. Experimental results presented for motion sensing of a piezoelectric stack actuator shows strain measurement with an accuracy of +-6% over a temperature range of -15C to 40C.
Speaker Biography
Mr Omidbeike graduated from The University Of Newcastle, Australia with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours) in 2015. He is currently a PhD student within the Precision Mechatronics Lab, located in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Newcastle. His research includes design, sensing and control of monolithic piezoelectric devices.